Call Wanting
Call Wanting
Love to pick up your call
but I need time to hang up
on the line that gets in
the way yes yes - please try
to get that it is hard to block
the flowing concerts that come
into me that make me
overloaded taking the calls
that take my freedom
away yes yes - it is hard to tell
you how it flows for me today
and every day yes yes - kissing
the flow that needs to be
with you yes yes - love that
you get it that makes me
begin to flow with what goes
toward the freedom to go
to the flow that is buzzing
around the moment yes yes -
please try to go to the flow
that I need to do to validate
my life yes yes - love that you
try to get me yes yes - please try
to get that the voice is the ground
on the ground of my existence
yes yes - please get that
my movements are like the paint
strokes on the canvas that is
my life yes yes - please get that
like the hummingbird I am
trying to stop the fluttering
at the invisible goings
to stop to try to take a rest
rest yes yes