Best Nobody Souldier
Love one just yes
yes trying to go
to the line of
the thought of
the loving the war
that you thought was
the thing to kiss yes yes
Love you trying to go to
the light through yes yes
Love that you go to
the line of the thought
that the light is the helpful
general telling you to feed
really helpful nourishment
great great great doctor
who usually try to help
the bleeding yes yes
Love you for trying
to go to the light
yes yes
Love that you kissed
your young life this
kissing way yes yes
Kiss you for being
the best nobody souldier yes yes
Love that you brought
this home to us yes yes
Love that you helped
just helped it it it
it yes yes
Great job, Hann -The perfect poem for Memorial Day - You continue to improve and inspire me every wee. I'm so proud of the young woman you've become, and your grandfathers would be, too.